Energy students present their work at the Legionella information day

Published Apr 30, 2021
Jennie Lindblom and Linnea Persson, our 2020 KEX Students, have presented their work at Legionella information day hosted by Säker Vatten (an organization with focus on safe water installations in buildings).
Great Legionella Day (Legionella information day), organized by Säkert Vatten and Installationsföretagen, took place on April, 15, 2021.
Jennie Lindblom and Linnea Persson did their KEX thesis work entitled "Estimating Cold-water pipe temperatures in floors with underfloor heating using Comsol Multiphysics simulations" at our department.
Watch their presentation (in Swedish) by following this link: Kallvattenledningar under värmegolv - legionellabakteriens paradis