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Swedish Prime Minister visits

Published Feb 11, 2015

The Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven visited the Energy Technology Department Royal Institute of Technology.

(Foto: Håkan Lindgren)

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Helene Hellmark Knutsson, Sweden's Minister for Higher Education and Research visited KTH newly opened solar laboratory on 11 February.
During a half-hour walking tour, the two ministers got a crash course and insight into the different types of energy.

- Exciting, but I want to know more, said Stefan Löfven when he came out of the solar laboratory.

After the tour, followed by a discussion with a dozen of KTH researchers in the energy sector, which began with Stefan Löfven posed the question of how we can create more jobs by combining research, innovation and entrepreneurship. (Source: KTH News , in Swedish)

In the following link you can learn more about the visit made by the ministers as covered from Svenska Dagsbladet:

Go to SvD

Belongs to: Energy Technology
Last changed: Feb 11, 2015