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Consortium meeting of the EU project IAM COMPACT here at KTH

IAMcompact KTH’s team members – Dr.Francesco Gardumi, Chamindie Senaratne and PhD student Camilla Lo
IAMcompact KTH’s team members – Dr.Francesco Gardumi, Chamindie Senaratne and PhD student Camilla Lo Giudice
Published Oct 03, 2024

On September 30th and October 1st, KTH had the privilege of hosting the 2024 General Assembly of the IAM COMPACT project. Our team from the Energy Systems division has been involved since last year and will continue to contribute until the project's completion in August 2025.

The project, founded by Horizon Europe , aims at supporting the assessment of global environmental goals, progress, feasibility space and decision makers action. KTH is currently leading the 6th work package, willing to accomplish the fifth task which focuses on the expansion and development of technical and institutional capacity in four pilot countries: Ethiopia, Ukraine, Kenya and Sri Lanka.

From right to left: Dr. Francesco Gardumi talking with the ambassadors of Sri Lanka and Kenya
From right to left: Dr. Francesco Gardumi talking with the ambassadors of Sri Lanka and Kenya

Our KTH team has so far conducted several workshops in the case study countries for ensuring a solid understanding of the modelling tools and capacity development. The general assembly, wonderfully organized by Chamindie Senaratne, was also graced by the presence of the ambassador of Sri Lanka to Sweden and a delegate of the ambassador of Kenya to Sweden, arising their interest for this or possible future projects that can answer to any of their research questions.

IAM COMPACT consists of 22 leading research institutes, SMEs, and networks in energy and climate change and policy across the globe with the shared goal of evaluating global climate challenges, track progress, and explore the range of feasible actions. Here is a photo with all the amazing team members who attended the general assembly in person and online from NTUA, CICERO, POLIMI, AAU, Aalto, IIMA, UPRC, Bruegel, Imperial, CARTIF, TUM, RUSL, BC3, WI, E3M and UNIGE:

IAM compact team members
IAM compact team members

Stay updated on the project's progress and meet the team by following IAM COMPACT on LinkedIn and Instagram !