At the Division of Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration researchers work in close connection to the industry and other universities world-wide. They also host the Swedish chapter of International Ground Source Heat Pump Association, IGSHPA, and have a standing column in the technical journal Kyla & Värme.
Research with the industry
Most of the research is applied and has a clear environmental focus. In almost all projects industry is involved, and the project ideas are often developed in cooperation with industry. In total they have about 100 companies participating in their projects. The financing, however, comes mainly from the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten), EC, Formas and Vinnova.
International organisations
International Ground Source Heat Pump Association, IGSHPA, is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the use of Ground Source Heat Pumps. IGSHPA was established in 1987 and it is today growing to an international level through the creation of so called IGSHPA Chapters.
The Swedish Chapter of IGSHPA is hosted by KTH and the Division of Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration.
Industry media
The division has contributed to the development of the Swedish heat pump technology of today, and is still an important influencer for new technologies in the heating and cooling industry.
In the technical journal Kyla & Värme, researchers from the division have a standing column with non-peer reviewed articles on refrigerants.