HPT Turbomachinery and Propulsion group attended the 2024 NffP conference

Two weeks ago the annual NFFP conference organized by GKN Aerospace AB took place in Trollhättan (Sweden) from 5.-6. November. Our division was represented by three PhD students and the research group leader, Jens Fridh, as well as researcher Nenad Glodic.
During the two days conference, the current projects funded by the National Aeronautical Research Program (NFFP) were presented and newly approved projects announced. All projects are a collaboration between Swedish universities and GKN Aerospace. The project presentations sparked lively discussions between industry and academic partners, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and insights.
The following projects from the turbomachinery propulsion group were presented by the involved PhD students and researchers.
Hans Mårtensson talked about the CoFASS project that focuses on a numerical analysis of a fan boundary layer ingestion demonstrator project for a Fokker 100 aircraft.
Carlos Tavera discussed his research within the project that focuses on aerodynamic damping in separated flows.
Steffen Hammer presented the latest results on research in acoustic resonance of bleed cavities as part of the CARE project.
Two newly approved NFFP8 projects were introduced: DARLING — Damaged and Repaired Blade Modeling with in-situ Experiments , a collaboration between KTH, GKN Aerospace and Stuttgart University, and VILD — Virtual Integrated soLutions for future Demonstrators and products . This project continues the development of a future engine concept where focus is on increased electrification, engine weight reduction and overall noise reduction.