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VILD — Virtual Integrated soLutions for future Demonstrators and products

This project continues the development of a future engine concept where focus is on increased electrification, engine weight reduction and overall noise reduction. The impact of new technologies on the aircraft engine architecture is studied and quantified to better understand the associated challenges. The virtual platform that will be developed further in the project has previously been shown to promote technical collaboration, research and information exchange between academia and industry in Sweden. The project will facilitate the development of methods for aircraft engine component designs targeting improved engine performance and increased overall efficiency.


The notional aircraft engine RM400 (here also denoted as the cluster engine) is a result of earlier collaborative projects (NFFP6-VINK and NFFP7- VIFT) between GKN Aerospace, Chalmers, KTH and Lund University. The collaboration between the project partners has previously been very successful and beneficial for competence building within the aerospace sector in Sweden. The platform's development has also been important for overall aircraft engine technology research in Sweden as it provides other research projects with relevant geometries and boundary conditions representative of a state-of-the-art turbofan engine.

The engine, described in [1,2], is a turbofan engine with performance goals representative of an engine with entry into service in 2035. The engine represents a virtual demonstrator environment where academia and industry can meet technically and work out new methods and test the feasibility and potential of new technologies. The focus of work packages in the project is such that participating institutions will be able to apply their deeper knowledge in special areas and investigate the applicability in the relevant environment.

In the recent NFFP8 project, VIFT, detailed aerodynamic design work focused on the fan blade and low-pressure turbine in the cluster engine - components that significantly contribute to overall engine noise levels. KTH proposed a carbon fiber composite layup for the fan blade, aimed at enhancing aeromechanical performance. In the current VILD project, KTH is continuing to optimize the composite fan blade design to meet stringent structural and aeromechanical requirements.

Additionally, GKN Aerospace will propose various nacelle designs and lengths, which KTH will examine for their potential impact on the aeroelastic behavior of the fan blade. Together with GKN Aerospace, KTH will further develop models to analyze fan-blade-off scenarios, using these models to design and dimension the fan containment case. The goal is to minimize the containment case's weight while ensuring it can effectively absorb the energy released in a fan-blade-off event during engine operation.

RM400 cluster engine, indicating areas addressed in VILD

Aim and objectives

  • Detailed aerodynamic design of the fan intake, compression system and bleed air system

  • Development of noise prediction models for the fan system and rear turbine exit structures

  • Optimized design of the carbon fiber fan blade and design of the fan blade containment case

  • Detailed turbine design for the geared turbofan configuration

  • Develop a system-level noise model. Through trajectory simulations and source models for engine and aircraft components estimate the noise signature of the system.

  • Detailed aeromechanical analysis of the turbofan structures ( fan blade flutter dependence on the fan intake length, forced response of the LPT blades due to turbine exit vanes)

Project partners


  • Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

  • Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden

  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Funding is provided by Vinnova (NFFP8 program, 2nd call)

Timeframe: 11 June 2024 – 14 June 2028


Mauricio Gutierrez Salas
Mauricio Gutierrez Salas researcher Profile


Publications coming out of this project will be available through Diva .


[1] Grönstedt, T., Xisto, C., Zhao, X., Jonsson, I., Reinap, A., Genrup, M., Glodic, N., Guiterrez Salas, M., Lejon, M., Avellán, R. and Mårtensson, H. 2022, ”Multidisciplinary Assessment of a Year 2035 Turbofan Propulsion System”, ICAS-2022-0832, 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences.

[2] Lejon, M., Grönstedt, T., Glodic, N., Petrie-Repar, P., Genrup, M., and Mann, A., 2017, "Multidisciplinary design of a three-stage high-speed booster," GT2017-64466, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, ASME.

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VILD — Virtual Integrated soLutions for future Demonstrators and products