Feasibility study on Component Test Bed for Cryogenic Renewable Fuels (CTB-cryo)
Hydrogen propulsion has significant potential to reduce the climate impact in aviation, either through direct combustion in gas turbines or in fuel cells to drive electrically powered hybrid engines. Access to open data from heat transfer experiments with cryogenic hydrogen gas is limited to the early efforts made in the early 1960s in connection with the use of cryogenic hydrogen for rocket propulsion. To ensure a necessary acceleration of the science around cryogenic hydrogen, it is necessary that more test facilities be established within the academy. This pre-study aims to produce a realistic and comprehensive test bed design primarily covering national and European needs for academic research & industrial development of cryogenic fuel components, such as those for liquid hydrogen. A goal is also to disseminate the results to all relevant environments within the area through the contact networks of participating partners as well as via seminars and publications.
If a real investment in liquid hydrogen as a fuel for future large aircraft engines is carried out, testing of sub-components is required for validation of calculations and simulations. Above all, it is heat transfer studies and material tests that need to be done in the test bed with a focus on including the liquid-gas phase transformation (boiling). But testing of other cryogenic components/fuels may also be relevant, the needs analysis will have to show that. With this preliminary study, the next, more concrete step towards a demonstration facility is taken. The project can build on the smaller study that was done within H2Jet to utilize its project results.
The specific objectives of this thesis are
To perform a literature review on the cryogenic hydrogen testing facilities and needs.
Mapping of both historical and contemporary facilities
Present assessed future needs from industry and society, set in relation to other national and international initiatives
Set up the boundary conditions for a test bed based on needs and benefits.
Submit a realistic dimensioning analysis of vital infrastructure components. This is based on the developed boundary conditions.
Present a design of a suitable test bed to meet the needs and requirements regarding testing with cryogenic fuel.
Carry out and present a cost analysis of a test bed where scaling aspects are also considered.
Main deliverables
Final thesis report and presentation of the project
Boundary conditions, components selection and for a test bed based
he project should start in Jan-Feb 2025, with a duration of up to 6 months.
KTH, Department of Energy Technology